The aim of TIR4sTREEt (ANR- 21 CE 22 0021) is firstly to carry out a new measurement campaign to acquire thermal infrared (TIR), meteorological, eco-physiological as well as geometric data, at different seasons, around street trees. The acquisition will be enriched by measurements from an innovative aerial robotic system, never deployed for this kind of topic. The second objective is to develop a methodology for merging the 3D geometry of an urban scene with the measured surface temperatures. The fusion of 3D and thermal infrared data at the scale of a street will then be used to validate estimations produced by microclimatic models. Finally, no study has yet investigated the impact of interspecific variability of trees and their environment on the urban microclimate. This project aims to fill this gap by carrying out measurements at the scale of three streets and on three tree species in the city of Strasbourg.
Scientific team
INSA Strasbourg
Université de Strasbourg
Laboratoire ICube
INRAE Clermont-Fd-Theix / Université de Clermont Auvergne
INRAE GE-Nancy / AgroParisTech / Université de Lorraine
Eurométropole de Strasbourg
with the support of Plante et Cité and UrbaSense